To find out what virtual work experience entails, as well as finding out what companies are offering it at the moment, click here.
Barclays Life Skills offer work experience, and it's free to sign up to find out what they are offering. Click here to find out more about this.
Brighton and Sussex Medical School – becoming a Doctor
Have you thought about maybe becoming a Doctor or studying medicine? Work experience is an incredibly important part of this and it is essential that you start preparing yourself early. Brighton and Sussex Medical School have put together a wonderful opportunity for all who are considering medicine to gain some valuable work experience with them. They offer up to 30 hours work experience, and provide you with a certificate of completion.
STEM/Engineering work experience; Jacobs Juniors work experience will give you the opportunity to gain virtual work experience with a real, very successful company. You will tasked with designing a coronavirus research facility. You will be introduced to a wide range of STEM subjects. They provide up to 10 hours work experience and provide a certificate of completion.
Architecture work experience; Halliday Fraser Munroe This would be ideal for Year 10 and 12 students, but you really need to have a passion for Architecture.This is a real company, who are running a fantastic work experience programme online. You will complete 2 tasks including designing a house for a celebrity. If you submit your files you will be able to obtain a certificate
Open University- Open learn courses. These courses are provided free. Click here to find out what they offer. Examples of courses are; forensics, social work, caring in hospitals,primary school education
.Speakers for Schools allows employers to solve key problems in their business while delivering meaningful and structured work experience to more young people wherever they reside. Click here to sign up.
Observe a GP; virtual medical work experience. Observe GP is an initiative which was set up by the Royal College of General Practitioners which is a professional body within the UK for GPs. Observe GP is a free system that was created for the purpose of giving every medical applicant a fair chance at gaining work experience.
Law Work experience; register with White & Case where it will allow you to gain first-hand insight into life as a White & Case lawyer and experience the realities of cross-border law.
Jacksons Law Firm are also providing virtual work experience in their law firms. Click here to find out more.
Cyber security; sign up now to find out more about cyber security through their virtual work experience.
Design and Marketing; Hunter Bevan are offering work experience virtually with an opportunity to feature on their website!
Inside Sherpa; offers virtual work experience placements from a range of companies, from banking to careers in tech. Most options last up to six hours and involve tutorials, videos and activities. Click here to register.
Invest Education are offering different opportunities for work experience for different age groups;