
The design of the curriculum, whilst conforming to statutory requirements, is centred on the development of the whole person as a member of the human community. The curriculum drives aspirations, it takes students to places they did not know they could reach and it is central to our desire to enable our students to meet with confidence the challenges of a changing world.

The curriculum is dynamic and flexible and thus responsive to the changing needs of the individual and of society. It is based on a realistic grasp of the needs of students who live in the 21st century. Programmes and courses are inclusive and respond to the needs of young people across the widest possible ability range that local circumstances allow. Schemes of work are aspirational: they are designed with the highest expectations of personal and academic achievement in mind. The curriculum takes account of the whole person. Its aim is the fullest possible development of every dimension of the person. Particular attention is paid to the ethical dimension of the curriculum. Where possible teachers choose curriculum themes that engage students in intellectual analysis of, for example, justice and peace issues and environmental challenges which threaten the survival of the planet. Time is set aside for students to engage in practical action and be agents of social change in their local communities and beyond.

Loreto Education in England, Vision Values and Philosophy

The curriculum at Loreto Grammar School embraces the Loreto values of Freedom, Justice, Sincerity, Truth, Joy, Excellence and Internationality, transmitted through the schools Christian ethos, in serving the needs of each individual. Within a framework of outstanding student support, we offer flexible, appropriately revised and frequently developed curriculum provision, responsive to students' needs and to National expectations.

Loreto's curriculum content embraces a breadth of learning experiences at all Key Stages; and offers the widest range of optional subjects, and an extensive programme of diverse activities within the Life Skills enrichment programme. National Curriculum content is enriched by a strong programme of personal development presented during the Form Time, Form Period and the Personal, Health, Social and Careers Education programmes. Further curriculum enrichment opportunities are offered in extracurricular activities including trips and school based clubs and activities.

We can do nothing, but God can do all. Our curriculum delivery allows the development to full potential of each individual through teaching of the highest standard, provision of appropriate learning resources and flexible partnerships. We believe that we prepare girls to take their place and play an effective part in the local, national and international community.

Our curriculum delivery allows the development to full potential of each individual through teaching of the highest standard, provision of appropriate learning resources and flexible partnerships. Our assessment and target setting systems enhance student learning through personalised training and support.

Achievement is outstanding at all Key Stages, and continues to show rising trends.


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